Crustaceans on the Horizon

(Oct. 31, 2019 newsletter) — The highly anticipated sport crab season gets off to a roaring start Saturday – The weather looks outstanding! In fact, the entire first week is forecast to be extraordinarily perfect into next weekend.

What this means, if you’ve ever given thought to a crab/rockfish combo trip now is the time. The seasick factor is almost nonexistent with light breezes and calm seas on the horizon.

Pleasant weather is very much to the liking of our coastal rockfish. Ten-fish limits with a few lingcod in the mix have been the rule on recent trips.

As for the crabs, now is the time to take advantage of not only the state of the ocean, but also get a jump on the commercial crab season – possibly within a couple weeks. Once the commercial season starts the abundance tends to diminish.

Opening weekend is booked, but the following Sunday is still available. Starting Monday, there is room most days. Tuesday has room for three anglers, and Friday has four open spots. We need a minimum of three anglers per trip, and take a max of six.

Obviously, all our trips are weather permitting with the option of fishing in the bay for striped bass and sturgeon if the ocean doesn’t cooperate. By December, the Argo will likely be running daily trips for bass and sturgeon in San Pablo Bay.

For the latest update or if you have questions, email or call (415) 361-7757. As with all our trips tackle, bait and fish cleaning are included within the price.


Bass Invasion


One More Shot